About Rodeoqueen

Howdy! My name is Jessica, Cai for short. I graduated from UPLB with a degree in BS Agriculture, specialized in Beef Cattle Production. I'm a licensed Agriculturist but am currently working as a home-based English tutor so I can watch over and guide my 3-year old son as he grows up.

Back in college I went around the country just to play rodeo. I was awarded Rodeo Queen in the 2006 UPLB Rodeo. I would attend my classes wearing my usual cowgirl outfits (boots, buckle, hat and all), thus most people from my college got used to calling me Rodeo Queen.

I neither have any formal training in cosmetology, nor do I aspire to become a make-up artist. This blog was created to simply share an ordinary woman's perspectives on make-up and such. I hope you'll enjoy reading my posts! Yeeehaaaw!! <):)